Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment Directive WEEE Directive
As a responsible retailer, Seiko UK Limited is committed to helping the Government meet its targets under new EU legislation known as “The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (WEEE) Directive. This is designed to help local authorities, businesses and households make better use of old electrical goods by recycling as much as possible and preventing items which may contain hazardous substances going to landfill.
WEEE is one of the fastest growing waste streams in Europe and every year, UK households throw away millions of items which are not sorted for treatment or recycling and end up buried in landfill sites. As well as creating potential health problems for future generations, this puts great pressure on the environment and uses up valuable resources.
Old electrical equipment should no longer be thrown out with your general rubbish. Seiko UK Limited provides a “take back” service. If you have purchased a new item which is battery-powered from our boutique or from our websites (www.lorus-watches.co.uk, www.seikoboutique.co.uk and www.grandseikoboutique.co.uk ) and you have an old one of the same or similar type which you want to throw away, we will take the old one and dispose of it at no charge to you.
You can return items to our boutique by showing proof of purchase for the new product or, for items purchased on our websites listed above, you are welcome to send your items to be recycled to our head office in Maidenhead, along with a copy of your proof of purchase for your new item to: WEEE TB Scheme c/o Seiko UK Limited, First Floor, Building 1, Concorde Park, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4BY.
You can also take old electrical and battery powered equipment to your nearest civic amenity site. This way, you can help in making recycling much more effective – do take a look at https://www.recycleyourelectricals.org.uk/
Products which are covered by the WEEE Directive are identifiable by a crossed out wheeled bin symbol which must now be shown on goods placed on the market after 13 August 2005.